About New Directions inc
New Directions, Inc. is a leader in providing quality addiction treatment services to many Indiana residents. Since 1973, our goal has been to help those in search of sobriety by providing quality addiction care services to individuals and families…
New Directions’ staff consists of experienced counselors who represent various disciplines of treatment. New Directions, Inc. is certified as an addiction care provider by the Indiana Division of Mental Health and participates in the Hoosier Assurance Plan enrollments. Our organization is a member agency of the United Way of Greater Lafayette and a member of the Addiction Resource Network of Indiana.
Why choose us
What We Believe
Our mission
To aggressively increase New Directions’ ability to provide treatment services that will lead to positive lifestyle changes for recovering persons.
Our Vision
New Directions will add value to the community by providing superior addiction treatment services for all persons, giving priority to those individuals with the greatest need.
Our Treatment Philosophy
New Directions, Inc. believes that alcoholism and drug addiction are treatable illnesses and that those suffering from those illnesses are entitled to receive treatment in an environment that is conductive to meeting their individual need. We also believe that every human being has worth and that recovery starts with the client’s self-image of being a worthwhile human being.
New Directions offers services to adult men and women who, while in need of treatment, are financially unable to secure these services elsewhere.
Our goal is to direct clients through a process of identifying the substance abuse and then into recovery by emphasizing spiritual growth by way of the Twelve steps of alcoholics anonymous, structuring or restructuring of value and work habits, and the development of socialization skills. By following this formula, we believe that chemically dependent people can return to the mainstream of society as fully contributing members.
New Directions believes that addictions treatment must be accomplished through an individual treatment process followed by extended care, support groups, and possible half-way house placement.